指定web app添加到主屏后的图标路径,有两种略微不同的方式:
<!– 设计原图 –>
<link href="short_cut_114x114.png" rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed">
<!– 添加高光效果 –>
<link href="short_cut_114x114.png" rel="apple-touch-icon">
· apple-touch-icon:在IOS6及以下的版本会自动为图标添加一层高光效果(IOS7开始已使用扁平化的设计风格)
· apple-touch-icon-precomposed:使用“设计原图图标”
可通过指定size属性来为不同的设备提供不同的图标(但通常来说,我们只需提供一个114 x 114 pixels大小的图标即可 )
Create different sizes of your app icon for different devices. If you’re creating a universal app, you need to supply app
icons in all four sizes.
For iPhone and iPod touch both of these sizes are required:
57 x 57 pixels
114 x 114 pixels (high resolution)
For iPad, both of these sizes are required:
72 x 72 pixels
144 x 144 (high resolution)